Why I’m inspired
Inspiration surrounds me in so many ways. It begins with my incredible husband, my rock, my greatest motivator, and the heart of our family. It extends to our children and grandchildren, who drive my passion for creating a future free from the illnesses that have impacted those before them. It includes our mothers, who are our fiercest cheerleaders, our sweetest sources of love, and our unwavering supporters. My friends, who lift me up, speak truth into my life, and love me unconditionally. Our families, who have stood beside us through life’s toughest battles. And my grandparents living examples of what unconditional love truly means.
One of my greatest inspirations is my grandmother, who faced Dementia and Alzheimer’s with unimaginable strength. She fought to hold onto her memories, her voice, and her love for life for as long as she could. Before her battle, she was a vibrant, stylish, and remarkable woman. Her impeccable fashion, elegant home, and magnetic presence made her unforgettable. She loved a good celebration and was always the life of the party, even in memory care, where her energy could get every resident up and dancing. She lost her battle on 12/31/2024, but she will forever be in me, and impress upon me, that her voice could not be silenced because those of us who love her, took on the task of speaking and advocating for her. Especially my amazing grandfather.
I am inspired to be a voice for those who can no longer speak for themselves. To advocate for those who are trapped within bodies that no longer allow them to express their thoughts and emotions. To challenge the misconceptions and stigmas surrounding illness because no one’s struggle should be minimized or ignored.
Above all, I am inspired to make a difference. To bring hope where there is despair, to amplify voices that feel silenced, and to ensure that no one feels alone in their journey. My mission is simple: to do the best I can, for as many as I can, for as long as I can.